Behind Closed Doors (Waver) - Anime Review

Kenichi and Yoshino are two young lovers who're enjoying their days of endless sex whenever they have a spare moment.

Behind Closed Doors

Remembering an unopened package in-between sex bouts, they discover they have won a free vacation to a mansion in the countryside. Not wanting to waste any time, they head out immediately, with no idea of what's in store for them.

Their first night is peaceful enough, but the next morning they're both slightly more aroused than normal, leading to multiple rounds of sex that gets more intense as it goes along.

That's their first taste of what's to come in this bondage mansion, where every woman wants to be raped, whipped, humiliated and all around degraded by any and every object possible. Even Yoshino is not above caving to her inner desires, and she certainly does, as they always do.

After meeting the mistress of the manor and her deliciously flirtatious daughter Anna, things start to fall apart for the happy couple.

waver anime, waver behind closed doors anime

Having been separated from Yoshino by the ever crafty Anna, their first stop is a visit with a milk maiden who's endlessly spraying tasty goodness for all to enjoy, in spite of never being pregnant.

Aroused, confused, and almost unable to take his eyes off Anna sucking her dry, he quickly escapes from the room only to find himself wandering the mansion and its seemingly endless number of rooms.

Next he happens upon a dancer whose alluring curves cause Kenichi to lose himself in her tender embrace, after which he discovers a girl who wants desperately to be whipped and all around tortured, even if it's with a metal baseball bat. And so it goes as he meets all sorts of women looking to be spanked, screwed, fisted and filled with his cum.

All while he battles against his own inner desires over whether to continue devastating these delectable ladies or to gain hold of his senses, grab Yoshino, and get the hell out of there.

But one's baser instincts are difficult to overcome, especially with all the perverse acts he can perpetrate upon these willing succubi.

He wasn't just a random winner in the contest that brought him to this sordid den of lust and perversion; he was chosen for a reason.

waver behind closed doors anime, fate zero waver

There's a sexual beast that dwells within him, looking for an outlet to demean and degrade these women who desire just that.

But just what is the end game, what will happen with the mistress of the manor, and just what's the Master of the house's plan for Kenichi when all is said and done? It might just be exactly what Kenichi wants after tasting just how sweet life can be when you just have an army of sex crazed women looking for you to be their master all day long!

As long as you're not repulsed by the events within Behind Closed Doors, you won't have much to complain about elsewhere either.

Even though it's starting to get a little dated now given its 2001 production, problems with the quality of the animation and detail levels are few and far between.

There's some scene reusing, especially with regards to Kenichi and his whipping extravaganzas, but that only detracts a little from the high level of detail and varied number of sex scenes that rarely get boring or repetitive.

Which is great coupled with the not half bad English dub, since it will give you more time to take in all the glorious sights and sounds.

Especially when little Anna gets her long blue hair and innocent body into the mix' that's just the icing on the cake!

Behind Closed Doors anime is one of the best bondage mansion titles I have had the pleasure of watching.

It's extreme enough to catch the interest of those looking for more variety, it's twisted enough to keep you interested in just what perverted things are going to happen next and the sexy ladies, especially devious little Anna, make it just that much better.

As long as you don't mind a little bondage and violence, Behind Closed Doors review is a hentai that titillates in spades.

Miscellanies: Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors brings a whole new meaning to the phrase pussyfooting around.

The DVD seems to have been discontinued, but I can't imagine it not being picked up with all the others that have been getting re-released lately.

Waver (Behind Closed Doors)

Genre Hentai
Episodes 3
Status Finished Airing
Aired Sep 21, 2001 to Apr 25, 2002
Producers Milky Animation Label
Studio Shindeban Film
Rating Rx - Hentai
Themes -


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