Top Ten Anime Guys 2000's

It hit me that so far, I haven't done any top ten posts since starting my blog.

So now I've been making lists and more lists, which is pretty typical of me anyway, and I'll be posting them over the coming weeks. (The K-ON! review is still planned for tomorrow, for the record. It was planned for yesterday, but I just wasn't feeling it, and didn't want to write a half-hearted review).

I'm putting my top ten series off, since there are some things I'd like to get out in the open before I do that, so we're beginning the fun with my top ten anime / manga men.

Top Ten Anime Guys 2000's

Really, the goal was to stick with just anime for these things. But as I was making the list it hit me that one of my favorite guys came from a manga for which I didn't watch the anime (and never will) and while there are plenty of guys I like, there are a lot less that I truly love. Without further ado...

10. Death the Kid (Soul Eater)

Death the Kid (Soul Eater)

All right. So I didn't enjoy Soul Eater very much. I don't feel Soul Eater earned my enjoyment. Even thinking about it now, it's not that great of a series. Sorry, fans. But Death the Kid? Oh, he was great.

Much as it bugged the hell out of me that he'd freak out in the middle of something serious because the symmetry wasn't do I.

That's right. Kid and I are the same person. Except he's like, a guy. Other than that, though. I am obsessed with symmetry.

Recently I set my status on Skype as 'Skype is not symmetrical', with a rage-face, and a friend comforted me by mentioning the number eight.

I have such good friends. Anyway, because Kid and I are the same person, I love him deeply. So he makes my list.

9. Jun Ushiro (Bokurano)

Jun Ushiro (Bokurano)

Honestly, there was not a reason for me to love this kid for 90% of Bokurano. He was kind of a giant dick.

I mean hell, he kicked his little sister. She didn't even really do anything, he was just abusive and mean I said, a dick. But somehow I loved him. Maybe I'm just odd. Well, he redeemed himself.

If you've seen the series, or don't plan to watch it at all or are one of those people who don't give a damn about spoilers, go ahead and highlight the spoilery content.

In the end, there's a risk his sister may have to take part in the evil game” (game my ass) and die as well. He refuses to let it happen. And you see that he really does care about her, he just couldn't let himself show it.

So she's his reason to sacrifice himself, so she can live on in this world. So prettymuch, the end made me not feel like a crazy-bad person for liking him.

8. Kouji Minamoto (Digimon Frontier)

Kouji Minamoto (Digimon Frontier)

In watching Digimon Frontier (the dub I have never watched a Digimon series subbed, only some of the movies) I fell hard for Kouji. And I mean, obsession-hard. Cannot even begin to say how many screenshots I had of that boy.

My sister said I was creepy for obsessing over a twelve-year-old that way (I was about sixteen at the time) and I justified myself by noting that Frontier came to the States when I was ten, meaning he's two years older than me at all times.

...Yeah, I've given up on that justification. It wasn't working out very well. But I still love Kouji. He's pretty bad-ass for a twelve-year-old.

7. Akira (Samurai Deeper Kyo)

Akira (Samurai Deeper Kyo)

Here we have our manga character. Akira came in pretty early on in the manga I can't remember exactly what volume. But he was cold, and a bit cruel, with a pretty smile, and also he was blind.

And he fought with two swords and also ice. And somehow, that led me to fall utterly head over heels in love with him.

Every time he fought a battle, I would root for him. And man, he took things (people) DOWN. In volume seventeen he takes part in a battle where anytime he hits the other person, she makes it so that he takes the damage.

He manages to time a hit just right, where he stabs himself through the stomach with both blades, and takes her out. That's just one of his many sexy battles. Love the blind man.

6. Tomoya Ozaki (Clannad / Clannad ~After Story~)

Tomoya Ozaki (Clannad/Clannad ~After Story~)

I think I mentioned my love of Tomoya when I wrote my review of Clannad. So if I repeat myself from that post...leave me alone.

Prettymuch, in most harem anime, I have no clue why all these girls want this guy who is truthfully nothing special. Tomoya? No, dammit. If I lived in Clannad I would join the harem. Because this boy is perfect.

No, he's not the best-looking guy in the universe I've seen plenty of hotter anime / manga guys, and that's totally okay.

He's nice. He's a sweetheart. Except for a little awhile in ~After Story~, but that can be forgiven. He made up for it. Prettymuch. Do want.

5. Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)

Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)

I don't even know. I really don't. Yeah, I cosplay him. Frequently. I can honestly say though, I have no clue why I love Shizuo.

Maybe it is an automatic attachment coming from the cosplay. Maybe he makes me laugh. Or maybe it's just a random adoration. Who knows.

4. Wolfram von Bielefeld (Kyou Kara Maou)

Wolfram von Bielefeld (Kyou Kara Maou) can I not love Wolf? He's such a stubborn little brat. I value him for that stubbornness (I'm just as stubborn as he is), and for being a brat (that part, I have no clue why).

And I also love him for the way that, even though he raged when the accidental engagement to Yuri first happened, he ended up not only calming down and accepting it, but becoming incredibly jealous and a huge sweetheart.

Plus, despite the anger, he also had his softer, more blushy side, which was damned adorable. Watching him be a parent to Greta despite his apparent hatred of humans...yes. There was something endearing about all of that when blended into a single blonde Mazoku.

3. Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)

Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)

First of all: damn. Look at that guy. Sex on legs right there. Other than that...the reason I love him is the reason a lot of people hate him. He's such a giant asshole.

But he's so happy about it! I love how gleeful he is! I love how wonderfully Hiroshi Kamiya portrayed that glee! I loved it all! I'm kinda sorta obsessed with Izaya at this point. And I mean obsessed. I am so far gone it isn't funny.

Anyone who delivers to me a live version of Izaya Orihara through magical abilities and soul sacrificing to demons...I will worship you.

2. L (Death Note)

L (Death Note)

I'll admit something. I've always had a thing for the smart ones (ever since the #1 on this list) and for me L was like...wacky genius. He fit right in next to Reid, of Criminal Minds.

Dear readers, I fell in love about two seconds after he hit the scene. No, he isn't gorgeous, he isn't at all normal, he's just...wonderful. Smart. Insane. Everything I'm looking for. Right here in this crazy, absurdly intelligent man.

1. Koushiro Izcaumi (Digimon Adventure)

Koushiro Izcaumi (Digimon Adventure)

From one of my earliest things watched, I give you, Izzy. The beginning of my genius addiction.

While other people liked Matt (Yamato) and Tai (Taichi) because they were the hot ones, I liked the short little boy who was always on his computer to solve the problem. And that kept up throughout the years.

For awhile I thought he'd been de-throned by L, but when I started re-watching the first season of Digimon, I realized that no, no. Apparently puppy love lasts forever.

So this has been the first of my Top Ten series. What do you think?


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