Top Ten Anime Pairings of the 2000s

Next up was going to be the top ten moments that have made me cry, but then I had a serious urge to write about my favorite pairings, so that won out. Totally normal for me I really have a thing for romance.

Contrary to how I may seem, this list is not comprised totally of yaoi pairs. It's actually half-and-half between yaoi and straight, which amused me a bit when I was done making the list and counted.

My experience with yuri is basically non-existent, so there aren't any of those included sorry yuri fans!

Top Ten Pairings 2000's

10. Tamaki Suoh / Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)

Tamaki Suoh / Haruhi Fujioka

You know, this was a pairing that I only supported occasionally. It was a very on/off thing for me as I watched Ouran.

I loved each character individually, but for the most part I was sitting there shipping the yaoi wholeheartedly (as will be seen in just a minute) throughout.

Still, there were a few different times throughout episodes where I absolutely 100% had to want Haruhi and Tamaki as a couple.

It was especially when he was being ridiculously protective (as in the beach episode) and at the end...the very end of the anime when he was about to leave (because he was a giant dumbass) and she was going after those sorta points, I definitely wanted them together. Besides, it'd be pretty cute, I imagine.

9. Tamaki Suoh / Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)

Tamaki Suoh / Kyouya Ootori

And here is the yaoi that I supported for 90% of the series. Yes, I also went for Hitachiin brothers twincest as well as Honey/Mori, but on the whole...Tamaki and Kyouya were my favorites and therefore I ship them the most.

Besides, according to Tamaki they're the parents of the Host Club and they are best friends and...come on. I have to support them being together. That's all there is to say for this one.

Romance wasn't something I focused on much during Ouran, so my pairings are just vague things that I sorta love on the side, behind the excellent humor.

8. Mai Taniyama / Kazuya “Naru” Shibuya (Ghost Hunt)

Mai Taniyama / Kazuya “Naru” Shibuya

These two have a great connection, a lot chemistry. In the first episode of the series, Mai breaks a camera and Naru says she has to work for him to pay it off, so she starts assisting at Shibuya Psychic Research.

The two butt heads constantly, in basically every case, when Naru wants to do something that Mai doesn't consider appropriate (usually these things are dangerous for someone). But really, inside, Mai is in love with him no, she is not a tsundere.

She's not all 'I hate boys', 'I hate you' angry person and then gushy lovey-dovey in the next minute. It's more that she stands up for herself and what she feels and if he doesn't like it, too damn bad.

I'm positive he had feelings for her as well, but sadly nothing is ever said in the anime regarding this romance other than Mai's thoughts. Very disappointing.

7. Yuzuru Otonashi / Hideki Hinata / Ayato Naoi (Angel Beats!)

Yuzuru Otonashi / Hideki Hinata / Ayato Naoi

And yes, a threesome. When the series started up I was leaning toward purely Yuzuru / Hideki, and then Ayato came in on the good side and it was like...well. I want him (Yuzuru) to be with both.

Heck, all three of them can be together! It was kind of a first for me, I've never been much of a threesome person. If it's just for sex, then sure, why the heck not? But in a relationship, I want just the two people. This one on the other hand...well, I like the three of them together.

I think putting all of them in one relationship would create a really cool dynamic. Ayato is a little brat to Hideki, but he's all over Yuzuru. Hideki doesn't seem to dislike Ayato outright, but he's definitely into Yuzuru. And Yuzuru is perfectly great to both of them. So yeah, I'm keeping this one.

6. Natsuno Yuuki / Tohru Mutou (Shiki)

Natsuno Yuuki / Tohru Mutou

Do I even have to justify this to anyone who watched the anime? Look, they're best friends in this town. In fact, Natsuno is an anti-social little asshole and yet he's always hanging out with Tohru because Tohru refused to leave him be.

They're hanging out in Tohru's bedroom. Sometimes sitting on his bed. Natsuno spends the night at his house. And after Tohru became a Shiki? He was fighting against biting Natsuno for awhile.

They're so clearly gay it isn't even funny. But this, this is funny: So yeah...Tohru/Natsuno all the way. (Which definitely explains why I'm cosplaying Natsuno and my personal flea is doing Tohru).

5. Shinra Kishitani / Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)

Shinra Kishitani / Celty Sturluson

Again, I shouldn't have to justify this. These two were actually together.

As I said in my Top Ten Females post, I really love Celty because even though she's a supernatural creature who can't get hurt, she still acts like a normal woman she feels fear, she feels caring, she has morals, and so on. And when she's scared, who does she go to? Shinra, of course.

The guy she's known since he was a little kid. It's made very clear throughout the series that Shinra is in love with her which is pretty awesome, that he's in love with a woman who doesn't have a head.

Still, it seems for a long part of the series as if she doesn't share his feelings. It's pretty clear by the end though, that she does, and they're 100% a couple. I love them together so much fanart to make me smile.

4. Sakura Kinomoto / Li Syaoran (Card Captor Sakura)

Sakura Kinomoto / Li Syaoran

I'm pretty sure I read Card Captor Sakura in sixth or seventh grade, and not only did I fall in love with Sakura as a character, and Li as a character, but I also love them as a couple.

This one is no secret in the series they very much have feelings for each other. It takes both of them a long time to realize it, but once they do...they're just so freaking cute!

One of my favorite scenes will always be when Sakura is rushing to follow the bus he's on (as he's going back to Hong Kong) and she gives him the bear she made for him and they make their promise. God it's adorable.

And much as I don't really like when they change things for an anime, I also have to admit that I like the way they did the end of the second movie how he remembered his feelings and they were together and against it was adorable.

Their romance is so innocent, so yeah, I love it.

3. Tomoya Okazaki / Nagisa Furukawa (Clannad)

Tomoya Okazaki / Nagisa Furukawa

Another innocent one! I've acknowledged my love of both of these characters in the past. And when they're together...of course I'll love them all the more.

I can't say much, because it's one of those things I can't explain too well. Pretty much, I spent the series repeatedly wishing Tomoya would just ask her out and be done with it obviously she'd say yes.

So when he finally, finally, asked her out at the end of the anime, I cried. I really, really cried. Not very hard, it was more just a gasp and some tearing up, but uh...both of them were crying as well, so I can honestly say I was crying along with some of my favorite characters.

And then they get married and have the most adorable little daughter in the world. Nothing not to love here.

2. Yuuri Shibuya / Wolfram von Bielefeld (Kyou Kara Maou!)

Yuuri Shibuya / Wolfram von Bielefeld

These two have one of my favorite relationships ever in a series.

The yaoi is canon, I love it when the yaoi is canon! And yet, unlike most actual yaoi, the series isn't focused on the relationship without having an actual plot. But anyway.

These two get together through a huge accident, Yuuri was just transported to this world and he doesn't know their customs.

So when Wolfram starts being a little brat (this is typical) and insults Yuuri's mom...well, the new guy gets up and slaps him across the face. Everyone tells him to take it back, but he won't and it turns out that he just proposed!

Wolfram is understandably pissed, but says it would dishonor him to turn it down. So they are a couple after that.

What's hilarious is that despite Wolfram's initial anger, he starts getting jealous and going to sleep in Yuuri's bed and whatnot. So it's great.

Plus, Wolf really does come to love the idiot king, and it's just so adorable. I really can't help but love them together. Now if only they'd kissed on-screen...

1. Shizuo Heiwajima / Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)

Shizuo Heiwajima / Izaya Orihara

Anyone surprised by this does not know anything about me. I worship these two as a couple. I hold the right to not get into why other than...well come on! They have to be together.

Especially when you look at a few facts:
  1. Tsugaru (cover song Shizuo) and Psyche (OST cover Izaya) are basically a canon pairing. This is undeniable.
  2. Hibiya (cover song Izaya) and Delic (OST cover Shizuo) are just as much of a canon pairing. Equally undeniable.
  3. The creator of the Durarara!! light novels penned a Shizaya sex scene. (Anyone who wants the link, just ask) And that, my friends, make it impossible to avoid, they became canon the minute that thing came into being. And I am not going to complain.

My current total for Shizaya pictures is settled at over 1000. I'm not done yet. (I refuse to be done) I cosplay Shizuo, it got me my personal flea/husband, and I can't complain about that under any circumstances.

So yeah. That's all.


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