Battle Team Lakers EX - Anime Review

A group of alien girls from the planet Blade Star escape to Earth due to the destruction of their home planet. With them are the Super-Laker Crystals, their secret energy source. This allows them to transform into superheroines who have powers to fight evil.

Battle Team Lakers EX

Led by Blade Knight, the only guy in the group, they form the Battle Team Lakers. But the Lakers are up against Oleana, an evil alien dominatrix who is determined to destroy the Lakers and get her hands on the Super-Laker Crystals. Will the Lakers prevail?

Review: Battle Team Lakers EX

It took me around three to four attempts at viewing before I saw Battle Team Lakers Ex's entirety. I guess the defective DVD is partly to blame, but for most part, Battle Team Lakers EX just wasn't interesting enough.

My DVD conked out after the first 10 minutes of Battle Team Lakers anime, and somehow I couldn't muster up enough motivation to try and watch it again right after.

Battle Team Lakers EX anime gives you a group of school girls who can transform into superheroines.

These girls power up when they are sexually stimulated. As a whole, this anime is a hentai / shoujo / magical girl wannabe.

Unsurprisingly, Battle Team Lakers EX does a terrible job of being any of the previously mentioned genres.

Hardcore hentai fans will be disappointed by the lack of details and near absence of explicit stuff. Yes, you get lots of nudity, but that's about it.

The sex-related acts consist mostly of the girls touching each other and kissing.

Shoujo / magical girl fans won't be satisfied with the unimpressive transformations, cheesy costumes, and lack of any coherent identity or purpose for the girls. It also doesn't help that the plot is unimaginative and boring.

Characterization is very poor, I can't even recall any of their names much less relate to them or feel any connection. Everyone is just so forgettable. I just wanted to get it over with.

The art and animation are nothing to rave about either. The characters look generic and their faces are pudgy. Don't even get me started on the attacks and action sequences.

The word crappy comes into mind. One thing's for sure, Battle Team Lakers review is a waste of time.

Miscellanies: Battle Team Lakers EX

If you really want something along the hentai / shoujo / magical girl lines, you're better off with Venus 5.

Sei Shoujo Sentai Lakers EX (Battle Team Lakers EX)

Genre Sci-Fi, Hentai
Episodes 1
Status Finished Airing
Aired May 21, 1996
Producers BEAM Entertainment
Studio animate Film
Rating Rx - Hentai
Themes -


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